To :Tuesday 9th August 2022
Under the patronage of His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research – Prof. Dr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar
Smart Systems was honoured by the chairmanship of Eng. Mohamed Abdel Aziz – General Manager of the company
Sponsored and organized by “The First Intellectual Conference for Faculty Members and Workers in Technological Universities” and in cooperation with the New Cairo University of Technology headed by Prof. Dr. Hisham El-Deeb
and in the presence of:
Prof. Dr. Mohamed Shukr Nada – President of Beni-Suef Technological University
Prof. Dr. Arabi Kishk – President of Delta Technological University
Prof. Dr. Hisham Farouk – Assistant Minister for Digital Transformation
Professor / Ahmed Al-Sheikh – Permanent Undersecretary of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
Major General Dr. Yahya Al-Hallouji – Representative of the Ministry of Defense in the Supreme Council for Technological Education
Where the activities of the forum varied to include the following:
- Discussing the plans carried out by the Ministry to support technological universities and the technical education system in Egypt to bridge the gap in the labour market in many sectors.
- A panel discussion between representatives of technological universities, faculty members and employees, on the challenges they may face in their work and how to overcome them to advance technological universities.
- Discussing the proposals of the attendees in the processes of developing technological universities.
- Discussing the activation of the student’s role in the educational process and the responsibilities and duties assigned to them.
- Discussing the development of evaluation and evaluation methods used in technological universities.
- Discussing the extent to which modern and technological teaching methods can be developed that are suitable for technological education.
The importance of developing the level of those in charge of the teaching process, by holding training courses for them in various fields, as the aim of organizing these courses is to put technological universities in the appropriate position locally, regionally and internationally.
A speech by Engineer / Mohamed Abdel Aziz – General Manager of Smart Systems, in which he addressed the introduction of the company and the global agencies represented by the company and the services provided by the company to support technological education.
Signing a cooperation protocol between the New Cairo University of Technology and Smart Systems to exchange experiences between the two sides and support practical training for university students.
Opening the Smart Systems lab to display, clarify and explain the latest scientific and laboratory equipment to the faculty members in the field of engineering education, technological education and technical education.