Course – Electrical engineering 6: Electrical network analysis

- 1 Experiment card with connector panel for setting up resistor networks
- 2 Constant current and 2 constant voltage sources
- 15 Plug-in resistors on card
- CD-ROM with Labsoft browser and course software
- Introduction to basic equations used in electrical networks
- Applying Kirchhoff’s equations to a resistor network
- Analysing resistor networks using Kirchhoff’s equations
- Power matching in resistor circuits
- Conversion of electrical networks (star-delta conversion)
- Introduction to superposition theorem and its application
- Simplification of resistor networks using Thevenin’s theorem
- Simplification of resistor networks using Norton’s theorem
- Simplification of resistor networks with 2 sources using Millman’s theorem
- Thevenin-Norton equivalencies
- Analysing resistor networks using the loop or mesh current method
- Analysing resistor networks using the node voltage method
- Course duration: 5 h approx.