Collection of electronic assignments questions and measuring exercises for the UniTrain courses on the topic of electrical power engineering and renewable energies. With the help of Labsoft TestCreator, these questions and measuring exercises can easily be assembled into electronic tests. The tests can then be carried out in LabSoft.

  • A total of some 200 questions and measuring exercises for the UniTrain courses on the topics of Photovoltaics, Fuel cell technology, Transient processes in AC and DC networks and the multimedia course Small wind power plant
  • About 25% are practical exercises to be carried using the training systems in order to test handling skills and practical abilities
  • About  30% are newly assembled questions previously contained in the courses
  • It is possible to extend the collection with your own questions and assignments
  • Other collections can be imported
  • All questions and assignments can be edited
  • 6 different types of questions (single choice, multiple choice, missing text, matching, matrix matching and image choice)
  • Extensive metadata for all questions and assignments to make it easier to create tests (degree of difficulty, points, topic area, time to complete, type of question, training systems needed for practical exercises)

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