Micro Strip Line
- 1 Network analyser experiment card, frequency range 1 – 2 GHz, sensitivity -60 – 0 dBm, power output 6 – 10 dBm, frequency resolution 10 MHz
- Microstrip components: 3 microstrips, Wilkinson divider, 2 low-pass filters (3rd and 5th order), band-pass filter, band-stop filter (butterfly antenna), FET and MMIC amplifiers, 2 branching modules
- Measuring accessories: SMA lead, attenuator and 2 terminators
- CD-ROM with Labsoft browser and course software
- Planar microstrips
- Calculation of line characteristics
- Investigation of transfer function
- Simple microwave circuits
- Descriptions involving scattering parameters
- Scattering matrix
- Investigation of transfer function for a Wilkinson divider and a directed coupler
- Microstrip filters
- Filter design
- 3rd and 5th order low-pass filters
- Band-pass (edge coupled) filters
- Band-stop filter (butterfly antenna)
- Microwave amplifiers
- MMIC amplifiers
- Low-noise FET amplifiers
- Investigation of reflections
- Determination of standing wave ratios
- Course duration: 8 h approx.