BERTA Test Bench
• A safe, reliable and portable test bench for speed governors, turbines, voltage regulators (AVR) and power system stabilizers (PSS).
• A high-performance real-time simulator and generator of speed/frequency signals to be injected in the speed governor for on-site tests in the power plant.
- Using the world renowned OPAL-RT’s RT-LAB real-time simulation software.
- Real-time computation and generation of a speed-frequency signal to be injected directly in the feedback loop, e.g. in the speed/frequency transducer instead of the set point input port.
- High-performance acquisition system.
- Friendly user interface for easier conduction of on-site and/or laboratory tests.
- 50 μs time step ensuring great computation accuracy.
- Real-time emulation of the tested unit behavior in islanded operation mode though synchronized and transmitting power to the main grid (Using the actual equipment, no other model than the rotating inertia of the tested unit).
- Real-time simulation of wicket gate servomotors and generating unit (behavior at speed no load, synchronized to the main grid and in islanded operation) for speed governor certification in laboratory.
On-site tests of speed governor and excitation system in power plant:
• Open loop tests on speed governor and AVR.
• Closed loop tests on speed governor, simulating the unit behavior in islanded operation.
• Monitoring of voltages and currents, frequency, speed, powerand up to 20 low voltage
or low current (4-20 mA) signals.
• Computation of frequency, speed, electric power and mechanical power.
Training and on-site test preparation:
• Virtual grid and virtual tested unit for simulating a test in the power plant.
• Numerous models of speed governors, prime movers, AVR and PSS.
On-site triggered monitoring:
• Monitoring of voltages and currents, frequency, speed, power and up to 20 low voltage
or low current (4-20 mA) signals.
• Computation of frequency, speed, electric power and mechanical power.
• Recording triggered on voltage and frequency thresholds.
• Up to 20000 samples/s.
Laboratory tests for speed governor certification:
• Real-time simulation of wicket gate servomotors.
• Real-time simulation of turbine and generating unit.