Charging curve of a capacitor and switch-on behaviour of an inductance with Cobra4 Xpert-Link

A capacitor is charged by way of a resistor. The current is measured as a function of time and the effects of capacitance, resistance and the voltage applied are determined.
- Simple and very clear set-up: only few components required
- Cost savings: Xpert-Link provides all subsidiary functions (power supply, switch, trigger)
- Extra experiment included: “Switch-on behaviour of a coil”
- Simplified implementation: all pre-settings already prepared
- Further experiments in electricity and electronics can be performed with the equipment
Resistor 1 kOhm, 1W, G1
Resistor 47 Ohm, 1W, G1
Electr.capacitor 47microF/35V,G1
Short-circuit plug, white
Connection box
Coil, 900 turns
Cobra4 Xpert-Link
Cobra4 Xpert-Link set of cables
To measure the charging current over time:
- using different capacitance values C, with constant voltage U and constant resistance R
- using different resistance values (C and U constant)
- using different voltages (R and C constant)
- Charging
- Discharging
- Inductance
- Time constant
- Exponential function
- Half-life