Course – Electrical engineering 3: Three-phase technology
- 1 Experiment card with 1 circuit in star configuration and 1 in delta configuration plus resistive and capacitive loads
- 1 Experiment card 3-channel oscilloscope for voltage and current measurement
- CD-ROM with Labsoft browser and course software
- Becoming familiar with three-phase applications
- Familiarisation with terms used in three-phase systems
- Measurement of phase and line quantities in three-phase networks
- Determining and identifying laws relating phase voltages by measurement
- Investigating resistive and capacitive loads in star and delta circuits
- Determining phase shift between phase voltages
- Measurement of compensating currents in neutral conductors and explanation of the effect of breaks in the neutral line
- Current and voltage measurements for symmetrical and asymmetrical loads
- Measurement of power with a three-phase load
- Course duration 4 h approx.