Course Programming 32-Bit ARM Cortex M3 Microcontrollers
- ARM Cortex M3 module
- I²C LCD module
- 2 x Push-buttons
- 1 x Potentiometer
- 2 x Resistors, 10k, 0.5W
- 4 x LEDs
- 4 x Resistor, 180Ohm, 1W
- 1 x Resistor, 22k, 0.5W
- 1 x Resistor, 33k, 0.5W
- 1 x AND/NAND gate, 2 inputs, 4-fold
- 1 x USB cable
- CD with multimedia course SO4204-9B “Programming 32 bit ARM Cortex M3 microcontrollers”
- Introduction to C programming for embedded systems
- Cortex M3 architecture and programming model
- First steps in programming the Cortex M3 microcontroller
- Programming typical microcontroller applications