Electric fields and potentials in the plate capacitor

A uniform electric field E is produced between the charged plates of a plate capacitor. The strength of the field is determined with the electric field strength meter, as a function of the plate spacing d and the voltage U. The potential ø within the field is measured with a potential measuring probe.
- Loss-less measurement of electric field strength
- High-sensitive electric field meter also suitable for electrostatic measurement of voltages
Optical bench expert l = 600 mm
Base for optical bench expert, adjustable
Slide mount for optical bench expert, h = 80 mm
Ruler, plastic, 200 mm
Capacitor plate w.hole d 55 mm
Potential probe
PHYWE power supply, regulated DC: 0…12 V, 0,5 A; 0…650 V, 50 mA / AC: 6,3 V, 2 A
Rubber tubing, i.d. 6 mm
Blow lamp, butan cartridge,X2000
Support rod, stainless steel, l = 250 mm, d = 10 mm
Support rod, stainless steel, 500 mm
Stand tube
Plate capacitor, 283×283 mm
Digital multimeter 2005
High-value resistor, 10 MOhm
Connecting cord,100 mm, green-yellow
Connecting cord, 32 A, 750 mm, red
Connecting cord, 32 A, 750 mm, blue
Butane cartridge C206, without valve, 190 g
Electric Field Meter
Right angle clamp expert
Barrel base expert
- The relationship between voltage and electric field strength is investigated, with constant plate spacing.
- The relationship between electric field strength and plate spacing is investigated, with constant voltage.
- In the plate capacitor, the potential is measured with a probe, as a function of position.
- Capacitor
- Electric field
- Potential
- Voltage
- Equipotential lines