Franck-Hertz experiment with a Hg-tube

Electrons are accelerated in a tube filled with mercury vapour. The excitation energy of mercury is determined from the distance between the equidistant minima of the electron current in a variable opposing electric field.

  • Experience the essence of the Nobel Price: Franck, Hertz (1925)
  • Classical Version with Mercury (Hg)
  • One operating unit for 2 experiments (Hg, Ne)
  • Precise determination of electron excitation energy of Hg
  • Direct connection to computer, no extra interface necessary

Franck-Hertz Hg-tube on plate

Connecting cord for Franck-Hertz Hg-tube

Franck-Hertz oven for Hg-tube

Franck-Hertz control unit

Thermocouple NiCr-Ni, -50..1100°C

Software Measure Franck-Hertz experiment

Data cable, plug/ socket, 9 pole

Converter USB – RS232, active

Screened cable, BNC, l = 750 mm

  1. To record the countercurrent strength Ι in a Franck-Hertz tube as a function of the anode voltage U.
  2. To determine the excitation energy E from the positions of the current strength minima or maxima by difference formation.
  • Energy quantum
  • Electron collision
  • Excitation energy

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Franck Hertz Experiment

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