HM 150.39 Floating bodies for HM 150.06

The HM 150.39 accessory includes two transparent floating bodies with different frame shapes (hard chine and round bilge). The floating bodies are used together with HM 150.06 and extend this device’s range of experiments.

The design of the floating bodies and the possible experiments are similar to those of HM 150.06.

  • stability of floating bodies with different frame shapes

Hard chine frame

  • LxWxH: 300x200x140mm
  • mast height: 200mm
    Round bilge frame
  • LxWxH: 300x200x100mm
  • mast height: 240mm

Horizontal scale: 180mm
Vertical scale: 240mm
Height scale of the floating body: 120mm
Clinometer scale: ±35°


  • floating body without clamped weights
    • hard chine: approx. 2,9kg
    • round bilge: approx. 2,4kg
  • vertical clamped weight: 575g
  • horizontal clamped weight: 196g
  1. determination of the metacentre of 2 floating bodies with different frame shapes: hard chine, and round bilge
  2. each floating body fitted with a horizontally movable clamped weight for adjusting the heel
  3. each floating body fitted with a vertically movable clamped weight for adjusting the centre of gravity
  4. each floating body fitted with a clinometer with scale for displaying the heel
  5. for use with HM 150.06
  • comparison of two different frame shapes: hard chine and round bilge

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HM 150.39