Induced voltage pulse and Faraday’s law of induction with Cobra4 Xpert-Link

A permanent magnet drops through a coil with different velocities. The change in the magnetic flux generates an induced voltage pulse. It is shown that the total induced voltage during the entire fall is constant and therefore independent of the velocity. In respect to the magnet polarity, the induced voltage changes from plus to minus or vice versa.

  • Intuitive, touch-optimized software that controls all devices simultaneously
  • Simplified implementation: all pre-settings already prepared
  • Fast and easy experimenting
  • Coil with several tappings for quick change of winding numbers
  • Investigate the influence of different falling velocities with high frequency/resolution measurements

Light barrier, compact
Universal clamp
Glass tube,diam 12mm l 300 mm
Tripod base PHYWE
Support rod, stainless steel, 500 mm
Magnet, d 8mm, l 60mm
Coil, 3600 turns, tapped
Coil holder
Cobra4 Xpert-Link
Cobra4 Xpert-Link set of cables
Right angle clamp expert

  1. Observation of the induced voltage pulse during the fall of the magnet through the coil
  2. Observation of the induced voltage for an inverted magnet polarisation
  3. Evaluation of the influence of the number of windings on the induced voltage
  4. Evaluation of the influence of the fall height on the induced voltage
  • Induced pulse
  • Faraday’s law of induction
  • Maxwell’s equations
  • Magnetic flux
  • Magnetic flux density
  • Magnetic field lines

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Induced voltage pulse and Faraday’s law of induction with Cobra4

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