Magnetic moment in the magnetic field

A conductor loop carrying a current in an uniform magnetic field experiences a torque. This is determined as a function of the radius, of the number of turns and the current in the conductor loop and of the strength of the external field.

  • Particularly homogeneous magnetic field and high flux density due to large Helmholtz coil diameter
  • Torsion dynamometer offers highly precise measurements

Support base DEMO
Support rod, stainless steel, 750 mm
Torsion dynamometer, 0.01 N
Coil holder for 02416-00
Conductors, circular, set
Helmholtz coils, one pair
Digital multimeter 2005
Connecting cord, 32 A, 750 mm, red
Connecting cord, 32 A, 750 mm, blue
PHYWE Power supply, universal, analogue display DC: 18 V, 5 A / AC: 15 V, 5 A
PHYWE power supply, variable DC: 12 V, 5 A / AC: 15 V, 5 A
Right angle clamp expert

  1. of the strength of the magneticfield,
  2. of the angle between the magnetic field in the magnetic moment
  3. of the strength of the magnetic moment.
  • Torque
  • Magnetic flux
  • Uniform magnetic field
  • Helmholtz coils

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Magnetic moment in the magnetic field

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