Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) I

The basic principles of 2D MR imaging are demonstrated with two methods relying on two different gradient techniques. Experiments are executed with a MRT training device giving the opportunity to investigate some small probes in the sample chamber. Device control is done with the provided software. Investigations comprise the generation of a two-dimensional cross-section image via the spin echo technique, i.e. a spin echo signal is investigated while simultaneously superimposed with a magnetic field gradient, and the generation of a two-dimensional cross-section image via the gradient echo technique, i.e. a particular gradient echo signal is investigated. The latter technique is closely linked to the FLASH (Fast Low Angle Shot) which is an ultrafast technique in MR imaging.

  • Complete, easy to install and affordable MRT education system
  • One system to cover all aspects from NMR basics to sophisticated 2D and 3D imaging sequences
  • Detailed experiment guides included with the system
  • Learning results guaranteed thanks to easy to manage course steps
  • Can be set up at any location in the student lab
  • Experience the realistic sound of the different MR sequences

PHYWE Compact magnetic resonance tomograph (MRT)

  1. Using the frequency and phase gradient techniques to generate a spin echo signal which can be used for 2D image reconstruction (Spin Echo 2D).
  2. Using the frequency and phase gradient techniques to generate a gradient echo signal which can be used for 2D image reconstruction (Flash 2D).
  • Nuclear spins
  • Precession of nuclear spins
  • Resonance condition, MR frequency
  • MR flip angle
  • FID signal (Free Induction Decay)
  • Magnetic gradient fields
  • Spatial encoding (frequency coding, phase coding)
  • Spin echo, gradient echo
  • Fast-Fourier-Transformation (FFT)
  • T1/T2 relaxation times
  • De-/Rephasing

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Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) I

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