Malus’ law

Linear polarised light passes through a polarisation filter. Transmitted light intensity is determined as a function of the angular position of the polarisation filter.

  • the principle that Polaroid glasses work on
  • introductory yet quantitative experiment to polarization
  • straightforward simple setup

Laser, He-Ne, 0.2/1.0 mW, 230 V AC
Optical bench expert l = 600 mm
Base for optical bench expert, adjustable
Slide mount for optical bench expert, h = 30 mm
Polarising filter, on stem
DMM, auto range, NiCr-Ni thermocouple

  1. The plane of polarisation of a linear polarised laser beam is to be determined.
  2. The intensity of the light transmitted by the polarisation filter is to be determined as a function of the angular position of the filter.
  3. Malus’ law must be verified.
  • Electric theory of light
  • Polarisation
  • Polariser
  • Analyser
  • Malus’ law

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