Michelson interferometer

In the Michelson arrangement interference will occur by the use of 2 mirrors. The wavelength is determined by displacing one mirror using the micrometerscrew.
- discover the essence of the Physics Nobel Prize of 1907
- lead to experimental findings that only special relativity theory could explain
- pre setup of the critical components makes for short preparation time
Lens holder
Lens, mounted, f +20 mm
Screen, metal, 300 x 300 mm
Laser, He-Ne, 0.2/1.0 mW, 230 V AC
Swinging arm
Optical bench expert l = 600 mm
Base for optical bench expert, adjustable
Slide mount for optical bench expert, h = 30 mm
Michelson interferometer
Barrel base expert
Determination of the wavelength of the light of the used laser
- Interference
- Wavelength
- Refractive index
- Velocity of light
- Phase
- Virtual light source