PLC Trainer (FPLC-T051)
User can save the training space.
PLC and other modules are combined.
4mm socket wiring
User can choose various PLC, IO, module specs
1 Push-button switch (lamp included)
2 Toggle switch
3 LED lamp
4 Buzzer
5 Digital counter relay
6 Volt meter
7 Volt generator
8 Inductive sensor
9 Capacitive sensor
10 Optical sensor
11 Motor speed controller
12 Rotary plate
13 GM4 PLC (Optional)
PLC program control
Digital input / output
Counter / timer usage
Special function usage
Various condition
Buzzer and lamp usage
Principle and feature of sensors
Sensor application
DC geared motor control
Motor speed check
Principle and application of encoder
AD/DA module exercise