Resistance, phase shift and power in AC circuits with digital function generator

Series circuits containing self-inductances or capacitances and ohmic resistances are investigated as a function of frequency. Measuring the electrical magnitudes with a work or power measurement instrument, real power or apparent power can be displayed directly.

  • Quick set-up
  • Investigate the influence of electrical components in an AC circuit.
  • Directly measure the real or apparent power

PHYWE LF amplifier, 220 V
PHYWE Digital Function Generator, USB
Work and power meter
Resistor 10 Ohm, 1W, G1
Electrolytic capacitor 47 µF/63V, bipolar, G1
Connection box
Coil, 300 turns
Connecting cord, 32 A, 500 mm, black
Screened cable, BNC, l 250 mm

  1. Series circuit of self-inductance and resistor (real coil)
    – Investigation of impedance and phase shift as a function of frequency
    – Investigation of the relation between real power and current intensity
    – Determination of self-inductance and ohmic resistance
  2. Series circuit of capacitor and resistor
    – Investigation of impedance and phase shift as a function of frequency
    – Investigation of the relation between real power and current intensity
    – Determination of capacitance and ohmic resistance
  • Impedance
  • Phase shift
  • Phasor diagram
  • Capacitance
  • Self-inductance

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Resistance, phase shift and power in AC circuits with digital function generator

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