Version for European vehicles (IEC DIN/EN)

This training system is your introduction to the fascinating world of electronics in vehicles. All the circuits are prefabricated
and can be put into action simply by plugging in a few jumpers. Apart from the hardware for the
experiments, the system also features an extensive multimedia course. In addition, special attention has been
paid to using and handling measuring instruments in conjunction with customers’ vehicles.
Electrical principles specifically explained for automotive applications
- Voltage DC, AC and PWM
- Resistance
- Current
- Ohms law
- Series and parallel and mixed circuits
- Understanding automotive circuits, wiring diagrams and
- electrical symbols
Automotive electrical component testing and diagnosis
- Fuses
- Relays
- Switches
- Transistors
- Potentiometers
- DC motors
- Light globes
- Power supplies
Automotive circuits
- Brake light circuit
- Instrument panel dimmer circuit
- Heater blower fan variable speed circuit
- Horn circuit
Use of typical automotive diagnostic tools found in the workshop
- Digital Multimeter
- Voltmeter
- Ohmmeter
- Ammeter
- Test light
- Oscilloscope