Coulomb’s law/ image charge

A small electrically charged ball is positioned at a certain distance in front of a metal plate lying at earth potential. The surface charge on the plate due to electrostatic induction together with the charged ball forms an electric field analogous to that which exists between two oppositely charged point charges. The electrostatic force acting on the ball can be measured with a sensitive torsion dynamometer.

  • Experimental visualisation of a fundamental principle of electrodynamics
  • Supplies non-hazardous high voltage
  • Very sensitive measurement of the acting force

Measuring tape, l = 2 m

Electrometer Amplifier

PHYWE High voltage power supply, 25 kV

Capacitor 100 nF/250V, G1

Support base DEMO

Support rod, stainless steel, 1000 mm

Torsion dynamometer, 0.01 N

Conductor spheres, w. suspension

Insulating stem

Short-circuit plug, white

On/off switch

Plate capacitor, 283×283 mm

Conductor ball, d 40mm

Holder for U-magnet

Digital multimeter 2005

Connecting cord, 32 A, 250 mm, black

Connecting cord, 32 A, 250mm, green-yellow

Connecting cord, 32 A, 500 mm, red

Connecting cord, 32 A, 500 mm, blue

Connecting cord, 32 A, 1000 mm, black

Connecting cord, 32 A, 1000 mm, green-yellow

Connecting cord, 30 kV, 1000 mm

Right angle clamp expert

Barrel base expert

  • Electric field
  • Electric field strength
  • Electric flux
  • Electrostatic induction
  • Electric constant
  • Surface charge density
  • Dielectric displacement
  • Electrostatic potential

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Coulomb's law-image charge

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