• 1 Experiment card including stator with three-phase winding and starting resistors
  • 3 Rotors: slip-ring rotor, synchronous rotor and reluctance rotor
  • Stroboscope with extra-bright LED
  • CD-ROM with Labsoft browser and course software
  • Identifying the most common applications for synchronous rotors, slip-ring rotors and reluctance machines
  • Explanation of a how a magnetic field arises in rotating field machines
  • Explanation of the design and function of synchronous, slip-ring and reluctance machines
  • Introduction to the key components of synchronous, slip-ring and reluctance machines (including salient pole, non-salient pole and reluctance rotors)
  • Introduction to circuit diagrams, terminal charts and nominal data for synchronous, slip-ring and reluctance machines
  • Interpreting a rating plate
  • Introduction to the principles of speed control of slip-ring rotor machines
  • Experimental investigation of the operating response of slip-ring rotor machines. Measurement of rotor voltages with open and shorted rotor windings, response to starting resistors, determining slip and speed by means of voltage measurements
  • Explanation of the differences between motor and generator operation of synchronous machines
  • Introduction to the principles of speed control of synchronous machines
  • Experimental investigation of the operating response of synchronous machines: run-up behavior, speed measurement, power factor determination (cos j) with the aid of current and voltage measurements
  • Experimental investigation of the operating response of reluctance machines: creation of torque, run-up response, asynchronous and synchronous operation, reversal of rotation, power factor determination (cos j) with the aid of current and voltage measurements
  • Course duration 5 h approx.

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Training Systems for Automation Technology Catalog

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