• 1 Experiment card with RC high-pass and low-pass filters, RC combinations configurable by jumpers
  • 1 Experiment card with band-pass filter, consisting of 2 capacitively coupled parallel resonant circuits
  • 1 Experiment card with band-pass and band-cut filters
  • 1 Experiment card with series and parallel resonant circuits and parallel resonant circuit with tuning
  • CD-ROM with Labsoft and course software
  • Introduction to the term transmission function, phase response and limiting of filters
  • Introduction to representing transmission functions in the complex plane
  • Determination of transmission function, phase response and cut-off frequencies of high-pass and low-pass filters by measurement (Bode plot)
  • Determination of transmission function, band width and median frequency of band-pass filters by measurement (Bode plot)
  • Introduction to the terms transmission function, band width, quality and resonant frequency of resonant circuits
  • Introduction to representing transmission functions of resonant circuits in the complex plane
  • Determination of transmission function, phase response and resonant frequency of resonant circuits filters by measurement (Bode plot)
  • Determination of band width and quality of resonant circuits by measurement
  • Determination of tunable range of a parallel resonant circuit with varicap diode tuning by measurement
  • Course duration: 5.0 h approx.

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Training Systems for Automation Technology Catalog

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