KP3-V2H three-axis positioner

The KP3-V2H three-axis positioner with two machining stations offers maximum flexibility in terms of payload capacity, tool radii and distances between face plates. It is available with a payload capacity of 500, 750, 1000 or 1.500 kilograms.

  • Maximum flexibility:
    Tailor the dimensions precisely to your specific installation. Various tool radii and distances between face plates are available.
  • Identical hole pattern:
    All KP3-V2H three-axis positioners have the same hole pattern, allowing you to plan reliably and integrate the positioner seamlessly into your installation.
  • Compact design:
    The KP3-V2H three-axis positioner has been designed with minimized outer measurements and space-saving dimensions.
  • Simple integration:
    The length compensation of 5 mm integrated into the counterbearing enables compensation of tool carrier tolerances.
  • Insulated face plate: The face plates are electrically insulated as standard. This simplifies the integration process and improves the longevity of the positioner, particularly in the case of arc welding.
  • High welding power:
    Weld with up to 1000 A with a duty cycle of 100%.
Positioners KP3-V2H500-2 KP3-V2H750-2 KP3-V2H1000-2 KP3-V2H1500-2
Rated payload, per side 500 kg 750 kg 1.000 kg 1500 kg
Tool radius 600 mm

800 mm

1.000 mm

600 mm

800 mm

1.000 mm

600 mm

800 mm

1.000 mm

600 mm

800 mm

1.000 mm

Distance between face plates (in steps of 200 mm) 1.600to3.000mm 1.600to3.000mm 1.600to3.000mm 1.600to3.000mm
Insert height 835 / 950mm 835 / 950 mm 835 / 950 mm 835 / 950 mm
Pose repeatability of axis 1 0,0023° 0,0023° 0,0023° 0,0023°
Pose repeatability of axis 2/3 0,009° 0,009° 0,009° 0,009°
Turning range of axis 1 +/–185° +/–185° +/–185° +/–185°
Turning range of axis 2/3

with energy supply system

+/–190° +/–190° +/–190° +/–190°
Turning range of axis 2/3

without energy supply system

infinite infinite infinite infinite
Turning time (180°) of axis 1 3,6 s 3,7 s 3,9 s 4,1 s
Turning time (180°/360°) of axis  2, 3 2,5 s / 4,2 s 2,6 s / 4,3 s 2,3 s / 3,9 s 2,5 s / 4,1 s
Optional: rated welding current (100% duty cycle), infinitely rotating 590 / 1.180 A 590 / 1.180 A 590 / 1.180 A 590 / 1.180 A
Optional: rated welding current (60% duty cycle), infinitely rotating 590 / 1.180 A 590 / 1.180 A 590 / 1.180 A 590 / 1.180 A

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