Newton’s rings with interference filters

In a Newton’s rings apparatus, monochromatic light interferes in the thin film of air between the slightly convex lens and a plane glass plate. The wavelengths are determined from the radii of the interference rings.

  • the color of soap bubbles is based on it: interference in thin films
  • use interference optics to determine most subtle differences
  • elaborate filters make quantitative measurements possible

Lens holder
Lens, mounted, f +50 mm
Screen, translucent, 250×250 mm
Double condenser, f = 6 cm
High pressure Hg Lamp, 50 W
Optical bench expert, l = 1000 mm
Base for optical bench expert, adjustable
Slide mount for optical bench expert, h = 30 mm
Slide mount for optical bench expert, h = 80 mm
Interference filters, set of 3
Newton rings apparatus
Ruler, plastic, 200 mm
Power supply 230 V/ 50 Hz for 50 W-Hg-lamp

Using the Newton’s rings apparatus, to measure the diameter of the rings at different wavelengths and:

  1. to determine the wavelengths for a given radius of curvature of the lens
  2. to determine the radius of curvature at given wavelengths.
  • Coherent light
  • Phase relationship
  • Path difference
  • Interference in thin films
  • Newton’s ring apparatus

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Newton's rings with interference filters

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